On the creative front, little if anything, is being accomplished. The studio, with no air conditioning is a efficient little oven. There is only so long that Kerry and I can sit in there before it starts to feel like a sauna. Not to mention having all 4 girls home can be a hindrance to creative time for Kerry and Rachel. This works out some of the time, but the need for other playdates, swim time, lemonade stands, camps, and time apart dictates the rest of our studio time.
We are making efforts to keep the artistic ideas flowing, though. We each got an art journal. Really just a blank sketchbook to hold our ideas and plans and to do a bit of art journaling. I admire so much the art journaling done on Lia's blog, ArtJunk Girl. Who knows if I will have the nerve or inspiration to share any of my pages on this blog. We'll see.
No, the summer is not a artistically productive time for us. What a shame! So there you have it, my little rant for the day. Thanks for listening.
On a lighter, more creative note, Kerry and I have some grand plans for a little studio re-do and a great art sale in the fall. Say posted for all the details. It should be quite exciting! And, if you can't find us in the studio this summer, check on Facebook. We may be there.